
Saturday, June 29, 2019

Prod. 0136 - The Fox and the Hound (XIV)   - Seq. 03.3 Tod's miserable night

171 172 173 174
175 176 177
Directed by Rick Rich, assisted by Terry Noss. Layout by Don Griffith.
This FINAL draft dated 5/4/1981 by secretary L. Davis.

Animation by Emily Jiuliano, [John or Lorna?] Pomeroy, Hendel Butoy, Dave Block and Jeff Varab.


  1. No first names on the draft... so do we know which "Pomeroy" it was? :)

  2. This sequence mostly belongs to Bluthians Emily Jiuliano and... one of the Pomeroys, with a couple of shots of Tod by Hendel Butoy (numbered 13.1, to probably a later addition) and David Block, and Jeffrey Varab's first non-Slade shot, a back view of the porcupine.

    This was the last film Woolie Reitherman was involved in, and I think this is the first example in the film of his trademark re-used animation (including those squirrel scenes that cropped up everywhere).
