Please note: if an earlier link doesn't work, it may have changed following an update! Check the Category Labels in the side-bar on the right! There you can find animator drafts for sixteen complete Disney features and eighty-six shorts,
as well as Action Analysis Classes and many other vintage animation documents!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Ray Bradbury Revisited

Since I had a pretty good seat at the event in Club 33 on Halloween night, I was able to use my little photo camera to shoot some video of Mr. Ray Bradbury telling some stories of Walt Disney and Chuck Jones. Excuse the little gap - about ten seconds missing...

Note on Something Wicked This Way Comes: at an event at the Disney Studio theater a week earlier, Mr. Bradbury noted that many others had tried earlier to make the film, and it ended with Ron Miller at Disney - but they got another scriptwriter! This went badly, but the rest of the story can be heard here!

Anyone up for another feature? Since I am in Denmark at this time and working hard, the only one I can more easily show here is Alice in Wonderland. Can you live with that? Happy Thanksgiving!

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Anonymous Didier Ghez says...

Hurray for Alice.

Thursday, November 22, 2007 at 10:44:00 PM PST  
Anonymous David Nethery says...

YES to the Alice in Wonderland draft !

Looking forward to it.

Friday, November 23, 2007 at 7:32:00 AM PST  

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