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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Some More Ollie

I dug up a few more photos to add to the fray:
As we have seen here, Palo Alto native Ollie Johnston appeared in the 1934 "Quad", the yearbook for Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity, Class of 1935.

Here are a few more early images of Ollie: first his Sophomore portrait from the 1933 Stanford yearbook (issued in 1932), then another image from the 1934 book (from 1933), as Junior Football Manager, followed by the 1934 jearbook Junior portrait...
Ollie in 1932Ollie Junior Football Manager 1933Ollie in 1933
These images precede my previous Ollie posting by 72 years...

Lastly a recent snapshot taken on the pavement outside the Disney Studios theater: Ollie's handprints, to commemorate his Disney Legend status...
Ollie's Hand Prints...< Click on it!

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Anonymous Jenny Lerew says...

This is lovely...I'd wondered if anyone had his Stanford yearbook.

He was quite a handsome young guy, wasn't he? And intense!
Thanks for sharing all this. Your site is always fascinating, and I should come by daily-there's a resolution for me. I've been so scattered I haven't kept up with most blogs I like for a while--but one can always change!

Thursday, April 24, 2008 at 12:16:00 PM PDT  

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