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Friday, December 24, 2010

Prod. 2004 - Fantasia (XXVII)  - Seq. 10.3 (Dance of the Hours: Elephant Ballet--Evening)

Directed by T. Hee, assisted by Larry Lansburgh. Layout by Ken O'Connor. This draft dated 9/9/40.

Character animation by [Ray] Patterson, Harvey Toombs, Howard Swift, Frank Grundeen, Hicks Lokey and Grant Simmons.

Effects by John Reed, Brad Case, Jerome Brown, Cornett Wood, Vernon Witt, Josh Meador, George Rowley and Ed Aardal.

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Anonymous Steven Hartley says...

Isn't this sequence supposed to continue - or have you forgotton to add pages to this sequence because I can't find Frank Grundeen in this pages.

Mmm, interesting that Toombs, Swift, Patterson and Simmons do elephants.

Oh, I should point out that I've finished my Alice mosaics today and posted them, and I was wondering if you want to check the final sequence.

Friday, December 24, 2010 at 10:27:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Hans Perk says...

You are fast, Steven: I corrected the posting a minute after I published it. Refresh your browser to see the correct draft pages.

It is great you finished Alice! I will look shortly - these days are rather hectic. Dec. 24th and all...

Friday, December 24, 2010 at 10:45:00 AM PST  
Anonymous John V. says...

"[] Patterson"? That's a funny way to spell "Ray". :)

I wouldn't call Grundeen's animation "effects" - he animates the elephants and hippos. Incidentally, while I did expect to see him on this sequence, I assumed he had animated the fish in scene 28.

Notice that the sleeping hippo is animated by "elephant" animators (even in the final shot where no elephants are present) but when she wakes up she is animated by Hicks Lokey.

In scene 39, it seems Toombs animated the elephant floating by in the bubble, while Swift animated the big pile-up. (Curiosly enough, he didn't animate the elephant pyramid in Dumbo.)

Friday, December 24, 2010 at 12:34:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Zartok-35 says...

The Patterson here, of course, is Ray Patterson. The furrows are there, and he has a track record to prove it.

Howy Swift does some funny aniamtion of Elephants piling up. His eye animation is interesting, sort of like Bernie Wolf's Donald Duck art.

Friday, December 24, 2010 at 1:12:00 PM PST  

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