Please note: if an earlier link doesn't work, it may have changed following an update! Check the Category Labels in the side-bar on the right! There you can find animator drafts for sixteen complete Disney features and eighty-six shorts,
as well as Action Analysis Classes and many other vintage animation documents!

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Studio Talks - Staging (V)




Anonymous Scott Caple says...

Ok, i confess, I found this note in a filing cabinet at BLUTH's while in Ireland working on those damn features that he did over there... I realized this GOLD and jotted it down , and have been using this exercise in all my teaching since.. It all makes so much sense!
All my students come in thinking layout is those pretty Blue pictures in all the Art OF books but of course no, it is the preservation of that initial spark of an idea that carries EMOTION....and on and on. all this time.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 11:17:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Hans Perk says...

Well, Scott, I am very glad you finally found out where your gold was originally smelted! i hope more will learn from this material.

As to the Irish Bluth features, I animated on a few of them, so I likely have worked on your layouts. What always amazed me (quite negatively, I must say) was that at Bluth there seemingly was not something that could be called a rough storyboard. Everything was sketched with a sharp pencil onto these pre-printed "blow-me-up-and-I-am-a-layout" sheets, which I took to be ONE of the reasons the stories were so rigid and, well, boring. Would you agree with me on this?

I remember how Don's explanations (and the little master class he held at our studio) sounded as if straight out of the Illusion of Life, but when we got corrections back we always had to over-animate. I once asked Gary Goldman directly about the over-animation, and he told me that they insisted on this from all but their top animators, as then they were at least certain that they would get all the principles of animation in there. I found that a truly amazingly naive and dumb point of view (without telling him that, of course), as that way all life was animated out of the scenes. I know that sounds like the world in reverse, but one only needs to watch the films to have to agree on that...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 12:13:00 PM PDT  

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