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Friday, June 04, 2010

Studio Talks - Staging (VI)

We are getting into the considerations that go into the layout of a single scene.

Below are the three plates that are referred to in the above and in the following postings. These plates are some of the clearest material on staging that I have ever come across, and I would suggest a thorough study of them.



Anonymous Steven Hartley says...

Wow, wow wow!! Great drawing plates!

This is the last part and then onto the sound recording by Sam Slyfield

Friday, June 4, 2010 at 12:41:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Steven Hartley says...

Hi, just to tell you that I've started my own website, "Blabbing on Arts and Culture" and tomorrow, (SATURDAY), I'll start my introduction of what I'll do and I'm hoping to start posting on Sunday.

Friday, June 4, 2010 at 1:33:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Scott Caple says...

These are the ones!!!
Wowy wow wow!
These are the plates that Bill Matthews gave us in First year at Sheridan and that I have jealously guarded all these years!! And copied and given out in my own classes at Associates in Art and Sheridan and God knows where else, But I never knew where they came from... Bill was gone at that point and I'm a lousy corespondent!
I can't believe that all these years it's taken to solve this little mystery.
So the internet finally PROVES ITS WORTH!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 11:11:00 AM PDT  

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