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Friday, November 26, 2010

Prod. 2004 - Fantasia (II)  - Seq. 3.2 (Fugue)

Directed by Sam Armstrong, assisted by Lloyd Richardson. Layout by Bob Cormack. This draft dated 9/27/40.

Animation by Sandy Strother, Cy Young, Volus Jones, Art Palmer, Russ(el) Dyson, Dan McManus, Mildred Rossi, Marcia James, Dwight Stark, Gifford Hiser, Jack Harbaugh (another John...), Cornett Wood, Ed Aardal, Josh Meador and George Rowley.
Truly a veritable who-is-who of effects animators...

M.R. 2-A is, of course, Music Room 2-A, where Armstrong resided. [Thanks, commenter Joe, for completing the names!]

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Anonymous Steven Hartley says...

The Internet Movie Database credits for Fantasia has a lot of names with credits like "M. James" or "D. Stark", and these were obviously unidentified effects animators, I noticed a name on the IMDB credits like "V. Jones", and I knew it was Volus Jones.

I see that there are a lot of animators in this segment that are on the Toccata and Fudge credits that are on the screen credits (Meador, Aardal, Wood, Rowley) and only do one scene (I guess that all counts on the screen-footage).

Cy Young's animation early on is very impressive, and all the animation in there is very impressive: Oh and Cy Young actually originally did the storyboards for the film and was supposed to work with Oskar Fischinger.

Friday, November 26, 2010 at 10:37:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Hans Perk says...

Toccata and Fudge - sounds like an interesting dessert... ;-)

Friday, November 26, 2010 at 11:49:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Zartok-35 says...

That was quite a spectacle, perhaps al ittle bit to abstract, but it has wonderful timing.

All in all, Cy Young and Sam Armstrong couldn't have been too far from eachother at most given times in the early 1940s.

Friday, November 26, 2010 at 12:02:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Steven Hartley says...

Oopsy - Should've noticed my spelling error - but it does sound like a great dessert with some custard. Hehe.

Friday, November 26, 2010 at 12:13:00 PM PST  
Anonymous zayıflama says...

That was quite a spectacle, perhaps al ittle bit to abstract, but it has wonderful timing..

Tuesday, November 30, 2010 at 3:10:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Joe says...

Here are the names of the others who worked on this sequence: M. Rossi is Mildred Rossi (1915-1998)(later known as Millicent Patrick - and yes, she designed the Creature from the Black Lagoon.) Marcia James (1917-2003), Dwight Stark (1916-2009), Gifford Hiser (1915-1982.)

Monday, April 17, 2023 at 8:18:00 PM PDT  

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