Please note: if an earlier link doesn't work, it may have changed following an update! Check the Category Labels in the side-bar on the right! There you can find animator drafts for sixteen complete Disney features and eighty-six shorts,
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Thursday, May 05, 2011

Prod. 2063 - Cinderella (VI)  - Seq. 01.5 - Shell Game

Directed by Jaxon, laid out by Mac Stewart. Assistant director Mike Holoboff, secretary "Toby" Tobelman.
This final draft dated 10/26/49.

Animation: Lucifer and mice by Phil Duncan and Ward Kimball, Cindy by Eric Larson and call bells by Blaine Gibson.

Here we basically have two separate masterpieces of entertainment: Phil Duncan's fun business with the mice and the corn, and Kimball's "shell game." One could argue that this is what character animation really is about, at least for very caricatured characters like Lucifer and the mice...

Here is a cel setup, minus Gus, from this sequence - scene 32, animated by Phil Duncan.
Auction(Item #383)
It is for sale at the upcoming auction on May 14th. [Did not sell!]

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Anonymous Zartok-35 says...

Some of Ward Kimball's funniest acting highlights this sequence. Lots of flailing paws. Kimball is alot more conspicous when he animates the cat.

Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 1:37:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Steven Hartley says...

Phil Duncan does some great animation here of Gus with the corn and Lucifer's mouth widening!


Friday, May 6, 2011 at 1:42:00 PM PDT  

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