Please note: if an earlier link doesn't work, it may have changed following an update! Check the Category Labels in the side-bar on the right! There you can find animator drafts for sixteen complete Disney features and eighty-six shorts,
as well as Action Analysis Classes and many other vintage animation documents!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Valhalla 1986

The reason I moved to Denmark in 1984 was the film Valhalla. My mentor Børge Ring had already worked on the film for some time when he asked me to take the trip with him from Holland to Copenhagen, to make sure he didn't fall asleep behind the wheel after a long night of playing his bass at a famous Jazz Cafe. I had heard so much about Denmark that I leapt at the chance, and two days later I was asked to start as supervising animator on the project. The time following that was some of the most exciting, challenging and rewarding of my life, and that's why I am so happy to finally see some artwork for sale on this project: at FLAD.DK!

Though it is all in Danish, it is pretty straight-forward.
Shipping and handling costs are only indicated within Denmark...

If you understand Danish, you might like the latest "StegelCast," which is a podcast by TV personality, all-round great guy (and first producer on Valhalla, who asked me to work on the film) Jakob Stegelmann. In this, he and I talk about Disney's Ugly Duckling!
In an earlier StegelCast we talked about the earliest beginnings of the Disney studios.
